Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Favorites 11/21/14

Happy Friday! Are you excited it's the weekend? Frankly, the weekday is kind of spilling into the weekend for me this week, so it kind of feels like "happy Wednesday" would have been a more appropriate opening. Still, despite being a bit crazy around here, this is one of those weeks that reminds me why going into private practice was the best decision I've ever made.

After spending last weekend in the mountains with Scott's best friend and his wife, we started the week fresh and revitalized. Just check out that gorgeous view! Over the week I had three different nutrition presentations and a health fair - it felt amazing to meet so many new people and see everything *click* for them. Feeling grateful for a couple big projects that came my way this week, an exciting reminder of all the opportunities out there for dietitians.

This week on Friday Favorites, I've got some tasty recipes for the big day next week (although frankly, I'd eat these any day). Also, why the old 3 cups of dairy recommendation may be completely outdated, tips for staying active over the holidays and an important reality check on a busy week. For more, follow me on pinterest, facebook and twitter.

Macadamia Nut and Tart Cherry Stuffing (The Spicy RD) --> I am totally intrigued by this combination. Stuffing inspired by a trip to Hawaii? Why not!

Photo Credit: EA at The Spicy RD

Butternut Squash and Fennel Galette (Nutrition Stripped) --> You know what I love most about galette, besides it's obvious deliciousness? It's basically pie for people like me who routinely fail at pie crusts.

Photo Credit: McKel at Nutrition Stripped

Lentil Rice Veggie Loaf (Edible Perspective) --> If you ever need to convince someone a plant-based diet isn't all rabbit food, make them a veggie loaf. This one packed with lentils, ALL the veggies and glazed with a ketchup sauce sounds like a good place to start.

Wild Rice Pilaf with Brussels Sprouts and Sage Vinaigrette (Oh My Veggies) --> Serve this on Thanksgiving, or any day of the week topped with a fried egg.

Photo Credit: Lindsay for Oh My Veggies

Kale and Tempeh Sausage Stuffed Acorn Squash (Delicious Knowledge) --> My Middle Eastern stuffed acorn squash wasn't the only one to hit the blogosphere this week. This tempeh sausage stuffed squash looks mighty divine!

Photo Credit: Alex from Delicious Knowledge
Just One Gram of Turmeric a Day Could Boost Memory (Science Daily) --> Write yourself a post-it note so you remember to eat more turmeric! Check out my green smoothie booster as a simple way to sneak it in along with a few other superfoods.

The Disease of Being Busy (On Being) --> This article is a few weeks old, but I stumbled upon it at just the right time. A powerful article for anyone struggling to feel spiritually fulfilled in our modern lifestyle. This article inspired me to stop saying busy so often. After just one day, I noticed my conversations were much more connected. Powerful stuff!

How to Stay Active While Traveling Over the Holidays (fANNEtastic Food) --> Ann is a pro at squeezing in activity no matter what you have going on. Do everything she says!

Giving Up Diet Coke: An RD Spills All (Claudia Zapata) --> Confession time. I used to drink 5 (!!!) Diet Cokes every day. It wasn't knowing how bad they were for me that made me suddenly quit cold turkey, it was treating it like a habit and using strategies to make a permanent change, like understanding my triggers and not beating myself up when I slipped (which happened many times). Over the past 5 years, I could count on one hand the number of times I've had diet coke - it tastes horrible to me now. I also noticed a huge difference in my energy levels, which is funny, since the whole reason I started drinking it in the first place was to boost energy.

Got Milk? Milk Might Not Be Doing You Much Good (New York Times) --> A good look at the science around dairy consumption and a rational bottom line - we probably don't need it and three servings a day is likely harmful, but if you enjoy it, go ahead and have a little (organic and not fat free <--my aside).

On Avocado this week:
Kale, Caramelized Onion, and Apple Stuffing --> Worth making outside of Thanksgiving too!
How to Have a Guilt Free Holiday Season --> Guilt is a surefire way to send yourself into a spiral of pumpkin pie and Christmas cookies. Here's how to enjoy the holidays, guilt-free.
Chard Stuffed Acorn Squash with Za'atar and Tahini --> Middle Eastern flavors spice up this fall dish.
Saturday Six (Oh My Veggies) --> Check out my portobello bulgogi tacos featured on Oh My Veggies along with 5 other veggietastic dishes! I am loving those carrot fritters!
Nutritious and Delicious Sweet Potato Recipe Roundup (Nutritolicious) --> Celebrate sweet potato awareness month with these tasty dishes, including my Thanksgiving-friendly mixed potatoes Anna.
Thanksgiving Roundup (Eats Real Food) --> Need some last minute recipe inspiration? Check out this roundup!


  1. Love all the links and all the yummy food! I already have all of those pinned, haha!

  2. So many great links and recipes Rachael! I'm a huge fan of turmeric too, and add it to my smoothies and juices whenever I can. I definitely need to check out your Portobello Bulgagi Tacos-yum!! Thank you so much for including my stuffing recipe in your Friday Favorites :-) Have a wonderful weekend!!

  3. Gorgeous photos and I can't wait to check out all the recipes!
