Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Brussels Sprouts Salad with Ambrosia Apples and Tempeh Bacon

Honey sweet Ambrosia apples add the perfect crisp, juicy crunch to this vegan salad packed with fall flavors. 

Brussels Sprouts Salad with Ambrosia Apples

Disclosure: I was asked to participate in the #iloveambrosia campaign as a member of Healthy Aperture Blogger Network. I was compensated for my time and gifted a dozen Ambrosia apples. Thanks for supporting Avocado A Day! 

If there was anyone more excited than me when I was asked to participate in the #iloveambrosia apple campaign, it was my pup, Savannah. Adorbs, isn't she?

Being the good dietitian's dog that she is, her favorite treat isn't rubbery pupperoni or even her all natural, smoked salmon treats. It's apples. Y'all, that dog will do anything for apples. She'll pull out tricks we've never even taught her just to get the core leftover from our snack. She can even hear the sound of us biting into an apple from the other side of the house! Because we're suckers for that precious little face, she generally gets a decent portion of every apple we eat, plus the ones that get mealy or brown.

Sliced Ambrosia Apples

When a package of twelve GORGEOUS Ambrosia apples arrived at our doorstep, I thought her eyes would pop out of her head with excitement. I actually tried to get her picture with the apples, but it basically turned into that scene from There's Something About Mary when Matt Dillon's character gives Fluffy the dog speed. True story.

I totally get her excitement. These were some pretty darn gorgeous apples. No hint of blemish, even after a week in the heavily trafficked fruit crisper. A deep pink blush over a creamy yellow background. Shiny skin. Huge.

I was even more excited when I took a bite.

I know I overuse superlatives, but this was the best apple I've ever tasted.

Ambrosia Apple, Brussels Sprout and Tempeh Bacon Salad

Aptly named after the food of the gods, Ambrosia apples mysteriously appeared as a seedling in a orchard full of Jonagolds. After the pickers stripped the tree clean of it's perfect fruit, the farmer decided to produce more. Ambrosias are one of the sweetest apple varieties with a flavor reminiscent of honey. I generally prefer tart apples, but the complex flavor, crisp flavor and juiciness won me over!

After tasting the apple, I knew I wanted to keep it in it's raw form and preserve it's perfection. I also wanted to do a savory recipe rather than sweet. Dare to be different, I say.

The sweet Ambrosia apple perfectly pairs with bitter Brussels sprouts leaves. The smoky tempeh bacon, nutty pecans and acidic lemon dressing balance out the flavors. I should note, this salad was made for batch cooking. The apples, which oxidize slower than other varieties, didn't brown and the sprouts stayed crisp for the three days I kept it in the fridge. All it needs is a dash more lemon before serving and you're good to go!

Vegan Salad with Brussels Sprouts, apples and Tempeh Bacon

Like all apples, Ambrosia's are a good source of fiber with 4 grams in each medium apple. It's especially rich in soluble fiber, known for it's cholesterol lowering benefits. It's also a good source of the antioxidant vitamin C. Much of the research on apples has focused on their polyphenol content, a type of phytonutrient which makes apples especially good for blood sugar regulation. The polyphenols found in apples slow down carbohydrate digestion, stimulate the pancreas to release more insulin, and reduce glucose absorption. Make sure to eat the skin where many of the nutrients concentrate!

Tempeh Bacon, apples and Brussels Sprouts

Now, I know you all are on the edge of your seat waiting to find out what Savannah thought of these apples. I'm sorry to report that she's just not a fan. Not because they aren't delicious, but because her mommy and daddy ate all of them, leaving her with just a few, almost completely stripped down cores. Her puppy dog eyes are cute, but no match for the allure of these apples.

Brussels Sprouts Salad with Ambrosia Apples and Tempeh Bacon

Serves 4

Although this salad, full of healthy carbs, fat and protein, is perfectly satisfying, if you want to bulk it up even more, add chickpeas. Although it wouldn't be vegan, blue cheese would be a welcome addition as well.

8 ounce organic tempeh
1/4 cup soy sauce or tamari
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon molasses
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1-2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil

1 lb Brussels sprouts
2 large Ambrosia apples
1/3 cup pecans, chopped and toasted

Juice of 1 lemon
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 1/2 teaspoons honey
1 teaspoon dijon mustard

First, make the tempeh bacon. Cut the tempeh in half lengthwise, then cut each half into 12 thin slices, for a total of 24. Place in a zip top bag or plastic container with lid. In a small bowl, whisk together soy sauce, vinegar, molasses, and spices. Pour over tempeh and let marinade at least 2 hours or overnight.

When ready to cook, preheat the oven to 300 degrees and brush a baking sheet with olive oil. Line the tempeh up on the baking sheet and brush the tops with more olive oil. Bake for 12-14 minutes, flip, then bake an additional 8 minutes until browned and slightly crisp.

Cut the Brussels sprouts in half lengthwise through the core. Using a paring knife, cut away the core so the leaves fall apart and separate. Add to a large salad bowl. Dice the apple and add to the sprouts along with the pecans. Toss in the pecans.

Whisk together the salad dressing ingredients and season with salt and pepper. Toss with the salad and serve.

Love this recipe? Check out these others from the archives:

Brussels Sprouts Salad with Bacon, Lime and Avocado

Kale, Apple and Caramelized Onion Stuffing

Tempeh BLT Salad


  1. Love love this recipe AND the story of Savannah too :) So funny that she's an apple eater. I've known dogs who loved carrots and whole wheat bread, but apples are a new one for me.

    1. Oh, that dog will eat any food, including some not so appetizing non-food items (and an entire leash once). But apples are hands down her favorite!

  2. Haha love Savannah ;). I'd like to see all the crazy tricks. I just finished my last ambrosia store needs to stock up ASAP!! argh..loving the pairing with brussels sprouts!

    1. Ha Savannah is nuts! I've been on the lookout for them around here - no such luck but I've only check two places!

  3. i wish my puppy was like that - shes more into chips and crackers..this salad though, im not a tempeh person but i'd love it without it too..

    1. If you're not into tempeh, this is definitely the recipe to convert you! And my pup totally loves chips and crackers too :)

  4. This looks so great! You know I love me some tempeh bacon :) Bet it tastes great with crunchy brussels sprouts leaves & crisp, juicy Ambrosia apples!

    1. Thanks Alex! I really need to remember to keep tempeh bacon on hand at all times!

  5. I added the leftover apples to my salad last night and they were so good. Perfect salad apples. This looks awesome!

  6. glad to hear there are other dogs who love their apples as much as mine do. does she like the brussels sprouts also? i know mine do.

    1. She does actually! I don't think there's anything she won't eat. I once tried to use wasabi paste to deter her from chewing and she just licked it right up!
