Monday, December 15, 2014

Whole Grain Chex Mix

Use whole grain cereal and crackers for a healthy, and amazingly addictive snack mix. Pack it in mason jars for a DIY stocking stuffer! 

healthy chex mix

As someone who is endlessly fascinated with learning about food traditions, it makes me sad to say this, but we don't really have many traditional Christmas foods at our celebration. Growing up, whenever my dad's side of the family was together, we had a huge German feast, an homage to my grandmother. We had German sausages, real pumpernickel bread, sauerkraut and pickles galore. It was a sweet sentiment, but about 10 years ago we realized few of us actually enjoyed German food, plus, our hands were so swollen from salt it interfered with our ability to unwrap presents!  So, tasked with creating a new tradition, we all settled on steamed lobster from the nearby DC docks.

The only other food that makes a regular appearance at Christmas is my aunts homemade nuts & bolts snack mix. It's an addictive combination of chex cereal, pretzels, cheerios, peanuts, cheez crackers and pumpernickel bagel crisps. Being the whole foodie I am, it may surprise you to learn how much I love this mix, and frankly, I am too! Separately, none of those ingredients tempt me, but when they're drenched in the combination of spices and baked crisp, it's insane!

Whole Grain Nuts and Bolts

When I'm around this mix, I tend to throw away all the mindful eating skills I usually practice. I mindlessly much on it while watching Christmas movies, grab a handful after walking the dogs, and even nosh on it with a glass of champagne while opening presents! I hate to use the word bad in reference to food, but it is sooooo bad!

We all tend to pick out the best parts of the mix, the cereal and cheese crackers, and leave everything else behind. By the end of the week, it truly is "nuts and bolts" because the peanuts and pretzels are the only things leftover!

Whole Grain Spiced Snack Mix

Healthy Spicy Chex Mix

So, I decided to create a healthier version of the mix. Although it's certainly not the most nutritious thing on the planet, it's just as tasty. For my version, I pared down the ingredients, mainly because I couldn't find cheerios made without corn starch or 100% whole grain pretzels. Feel free to add those in too, but you might want to increase the seasoning mix accordingly. I also swapped the cheez-its for Van's gluten free Say Cheese crackers. Made with a mixture of oat, brown rice, millet and quinoa flours, they're a much healthier option than other cheese crackers. Chex does make a whole wheat version, but I used an organic, whole wheat one from Cascadian Farms. Whatever you get, make sure it has less than 5 grams of sugar in a serving.

DIY Chex Mix

Whole Grain Chex Mix

Makes about 10 cups

1 5-ounce box Van's Say Cheese crackers, or other 100% whole grain cheese cracker
1 13-ounce box 100% whole grain "chex-style" cereal
1 1/2 cup peanuts
1/3 cup flax seed
4 teaspoons smoked paprika
1 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon curry powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/3 cup coconut oil, melted

Preheat oven to 250 degrees.

In a large bowl, mix together crackers, cereal, peanuts and flax. In a small bowl, mix together spices.

Drizzle oil over the cereal mix, tossing to combine. Sprinkle the spice mix over the top, tossing well to combine again. Spread evenly over a large baking sheet. Bake for an hour total, tossing every 15 minutes.

Remove from oven and set aside to cool. Will keep at least a week in an airtight container at room temperature.


  1. I love this healthier twist on a classic snack mix! I made a sweet and smoky snack mix that was redone to be made healthier on my blog a while back. Yummy!

    1. Ohh I bet the sweet and spicy is a great combo with this!

  2. I could snack on this all day long! Yummy!!!

    1. Haha I did snack on this al day long! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. It's always a challenge to put down the chex mix! Love your healthier version, I could also see my self mindlessly munching on this. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I definitely mindlessly munched on this too! It helped keeping it in single servings around the house though :)

  4. Replies
    1. Yes! I used whole wheat chex, but I know someone must make brown rice chex!

  5. Haha I can totally relate to fingers (and toes and face and everything else..) swelling up with a vengeance. This is perfect for when I have the munchies! I also need to use up my spices and replenish them so thanks for this, Rachael!!

    1. Oh my goodness it's the worst! And I already have weirdly large hands to begin with, so they kind of look like gorilla hands when they swell!

  6. I've always wanted to make my own chex mix! This would be great for holiday gifts.

    1. That's what I think I'm going to do for stockings this year!

  7. "Until we realized that we don't actually like german food" ha! LOVE that! It's actually the same realization my husband and I had a few years ago. Um, we don't actually LIKE thanksgiving food... so now we feast on Italian and all is right in the world :) Love this chex mix! I never thought to make my own- can't wait to try your recipe!

    1. Ha I love that you do Italian on Thanksgiving! Seriously, who made the rules that you have to have stuffing and turkey?? I would be all over an Indian food Thanksgiving!
