Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding

I'm a big believer in having fun with food, but most people take their diet much too seriously. They follow strict and arbitrary diet rules. They calculate nutrients. They anguish over finding the perfect diet. "Is it paleo? Or is it gluten-free? Or maybe I should just cut carbs. I did lose 15 lbs on South Beach, nevermind that I gained back 20." Even those who've got eating healthy all figured out are stressing about having the time to cook! With all that pressure, it's easy to loose the fun in cooking (and eating!).

I think this recipe certainly qualifies as fun. Making the pudding and watching the chia seeds swell feels kinda like a science experiment, right up there with baking soda and vinegar volcanoes. And of course, you can't make this dish without singing the jingle. Just try to feel stressed when "ch-ch-ch-chia!" is stuck in your head.  Not physically possible.    

And if you're going to stress about gluten free vs paleo vs low calorie vs vegan anyway, you'll be pleased to know this recipe is gluten free, paleo, low calorie and vegan!

If the only use for chia seeds you're aware of is their ability to make a ceramic pig grow "hair," then you might be wondering why someone would want to eat it. Chia seeds are a staple food in many South American diets and have been for centuries. Recent research has shown chia seeds are a nutrition powerhouse, which has fueled their recent popularity.

Omega 3 fats

Just two tablespoons of chia seeds contains 5 grams of omega 3 fats, the same amount as an equal serving of flaxseed. Chia seeds are more digestible than flaxseed, so the omega 3 may be more bioavailable. 


Chia is incredibly high in fiber, in fact one ounce contains 10 grams. About 25% is soluble fiber, the type that lowers cholesterol and slows digestion, while the rest is insoluble, the type that keeps you regular.

Healthy bones

Chia seeds are a good source of bone building nutrients including phosphorus, manganese and calcium.  Two tablespoons contain 18% recommended daily intake of calcium and about 30%  your daily needs of phosphorus and manganese.   

Because of these compounds, researchers are looking at chia's ability to prevent and treat chronic disease. They hypothesize that because soluble fiber slows gastric emptying into the small intestine, chia will help promote weight loss and help regulate blood glucose. Rat studies have shown benefit, but the limited human studies have had scattered results, possibly because chia was given as a supplement, rather than as a food.



Even if chia isn't the weight loss superfood it's often made out to be, it's a fun addition to your healthy diet. When chia is soaked in a liquid, it swells to a tapioca like consistency. Chia can be used in many different ways. Some vegan baking recipes substitute chia for eggs. Add chia seeds to your favorite smoothie recipe and it will stay thick overnight. Use chia to make traditional chia fresca, a Mexican drink which combines water or coconut water, chia seeds, citrus juice and a little sweetener. I've never tried it, but our grocery store sells a chia and hemp seed crusted trout (another omega 3 superfood), which I've heard makes a nice, crispy coating for a pan fry. If you do anything, definitely try this recipe for quick and easy breakfast pudding, which could easily be adapted for dessert

Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding

Serves 2

Adapted from Oh She Glows 



1/4 cup chia seeds
1 cup unsweetened almond or coconut milk
1 banana, chopped
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 pinches cinnamon

Mix and match toppings:
jam (this stuff if you can get your hands on it!)
wheat germ
chopped unsweetened dried fruit
pure maple syrup
unsweetened shredded coconut
crystallized ginger
dark cocoa powder

Mash the banana in a medium bowl. Mix in the chia seeds and milk, then the cinnamon and vanilla extract. Place in the refrigerator overnight to thicken. 

In the morning, top with your choice of toppings. My favorites - all-fruit strawberry jam and almonds and shredded coconut with crystallized ginger.


  1. I can't wait to try this recipe!! And your pictures are beautiful!

    1. Thank you! I realized taking pictures in our sunroom is waaaay easier than trying to navigate the horrible lighting in our kitchen!

  2. I am making this tonight! Looks great!
