Saturday, August 10, 2013

A follow up

It's been a little over a month since we first heard from Miranda, one of my fabulous clients.  I am so excited to share an update with her today!  In her words...

I am embracing and enjoying my new lifestyle change. Rachael was able to incorporate foods that don’t “taste” healthy into my plan and it has helped both my husband and myself to stay on the straight path. There have been a few set backs along the way, particularly late at night after a closing shift at work, but overall I am sticking to the plan that was laid out for me! I have lost 8 pounds so far, which averages to around 2 pounds a week. This has kept me motivated, and I am hoping that it will continue to do so.

My biggest challenges remain: 1) Finding the time to have my healthy (or ANY, for that matter) snacks at work. We have been short staffed lately, and it’s been increasingly challenging to disappear off the floor for even 5 minutes to grab my snack. Usually, I am lucky enough that my lunches fall into place so that I do not exceed 5 hours without food. 2) My sweet tooth! I am much better about resisting the urges now, but I think that this is something that I will continue to struggle with as I grow into my new lifestyle.

Lastly, I have found that through Rachael’s coaching, I am better able to pinpoint the reasons behind some of my cravings/indulgences. By simply analyzing what I think is making me desire the foods, I have eliminated a lot of potential slip-ups, and it has helped me to work on my psyche.

All in all, I’m glad I sought out the help, and hope to continue delivering such positive updates and results!

Clearly, Miranda has made huge strides, not only in changing her eating habits, but in her attitude towards food and dieting.  I'm most excited to hear she can pinpoint where her cravings are coming from.  When I first met Miranda, she blamed poor choices on a lack of self control.  Through our discussion and subsequent follow-ups, we've found her cravings often stem from hunger or emotions.  Knowing the origin of her cravings allows her to focus on prevention, rather than dealing with the craving itself, which (as I'm sure you all know!) is quite difficult to control!

I'm also happy to see how well she is doing with meal planning.  Miranda and her husband work together and plan meals about three days in advance.  Planning three days works well for them, as it leaves room for flexibility.  By far, meal planning is the most important change she has made.  It's certainly helped prevent more than a few slip-ups!  Meal planning is often overlooked, but it's an important step that allows one to take everything they know about healthy eating and translate it into a set goal or plan. 

As expected, Miranda's biggest challenge has been working around her ever changing work schedule.  I must admit, it was a challenge for me too!  A few plans we originally came up with simply didn't work.  For example, I came up with a list of healthy snack options she could eat in a few minutes, but some days, she didn't even  have time for that!  So, we had to be flexible and instead, came up with a few liquid options that serve as a filler, since her workplace allows drinks to be more readily available.   We had also discussed planning meals so that leftovers were available on the days she worked late.  But because work is short staffed, she has been unexpectedly working late and didn't have a backup plan.  So, we decided for her to keep some healthy frozen meals on hand.  They may not be ideal, but they're certainly superior to fast food!  Personally, my favorites are from Amy's, especially their frozen burritos.  They taste like fast food, but they are mostly whole grain and filled with veggies.  Paired with a side salad or another quick vegetable dish, they make a well rounded meal. 

I am so very proud of Miranda's progress.  It's nice to see the pounds drop, but even more so, I am happy to see how she is approaching this as a lifestyle change, rather than another diet.  Talking to her, I feel certain this is the start to a new, healthy relationship with food!

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