Thursday, April 24, 2014

doTERRA oils giveaway

Disclosure: I received free samples of doTERRA oils for this post. I was not compensated for my time. All thoughts and opinions are my own. As always, before taking any nutritional supplement, please consult with  your medical provider.

I'm very excited to bring you my first giveaway here on Avocado! As my blog has grown, I've received many offers to test out products and share with my readers. Until recently, I always declined. Since I was mainly blogging for fun, I wasn't quite sure if I was ready to work with brands. Plus, it is important to me to only share products I truly believe in.

When I received an email from Fay from We Love Essential Oils to see if I would like a sample of doTERRA oils, curiosity got the best of me. You see, when I was in middle school, I was obsessed with essential oils. I had a collection of probably 10 different oils from The Body Shop that I would mix and match to create "perfume." I even went through a phase when I wanted to start a natural beauty product line similar to Lush. I was already on board with using oils to enhance mood and improve sleep. But Fay said these oils were the only Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) oils on the market, so they could even be used as internally with therapeutic benefit. In fact, she had successfully used doTERRA oils to heal from a fractured patella without pain medication. Impressive, but I was still skeptical. I consider myself pretty up to date with the latest research, but I had never heard of essential oils having a therapeutic effect. Still, I was curious enough to try.

The trial kit I received contained three different oils - wild orange, peppermint and digestZen. The peppermint, which is helpful for digestion and breathing, smelled intense and spicy. Just one whiff immediately opened up my sinuses! The detoxifying wild orange, beneficial to mood and anxiety, smelled like a freshly peeled orange and the digestZen blend reminded me of a concentrated version of my favorite homemade digestion remedy.

I was able to test the therapeutic effect of the oils pretty quickly when I started to have sharp abdominal pains. Whenever I get stressed, which is likely to happen when you've recently decided to start your own business, my digestive system goes completely out of whack. If I go off my normal meal schedule or even get just get a little bit hungry, I end up with pretty severe abdominal pain and bloating (TMI? Sorry!). It's really frustrating, as I tried medication in the past and all sorts of dietary modifications, but nothing seems to help. I didn't expect essential oils to make much of a difference.

About 10 seconds after applying a few drops of digestZen to my stomach, I noticed a warm, tingly sensation. It felt nice, but my stomach still hurt. However, within about a minute, my pain was about 50% better. I took the dogs for a walk and when I returned, the pain was gone. We might be on to something here.

I've used the oils quite a bit over the past couple weeks. I haven't had as much abdominal pain (maybe the stress relieving wild orange at work?) but when it does start to bother me, a few drops of digestZen in my water or rubbed on my stomach does the trick. This time of  year in the south, the pollen is pretty horrendous, but the peppermint oil has been incredibly helpful. A drop rubbed under my nose has stopped more than a few sinus headaches in their track. I've also really enjoyed using the wild orange when I practice yoga, placing a few drops on my neck and stomach to enhance it's relaxing and meditative effect.

If you're interested in learning more about essential oils, I encourage you to watch this video by Dr. Paul Winterton (scroll almost all the way to the bottom). He does a great job explaining the science behind essential oils, especially if you come from a medical background. I had no idea so much research had been done on them!


If you'd like to try them out for yourself, enter the giveaway below to win an introductory trio kit with 5 ml bottles of peppermint, lavender and lemon oil and a DVD! You can enter by signing up for the raffle through my blog (1 entry), subscribing to An Avocado A Day (1 entry), liking the We Love Essential Oils page on facebook (1 entry) or signing up to attend their free webinar on essential oils "Reinventing Healthcare" next Thursday, May 1st at noon (2 entries). That's a total of five possible entries! The winner will be announced at the webinar and on the blog. With my curiosity piqued, I can't wait to learn more!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have been so interested in essential oils lately, and I really have been wanting to try them! They are just so expensive though! This is an awesome giveaway!

    1. They really are such an awesome product! Definitely something I wouldn't have bought without trying the sampler, but once my husband and I are off our starting-a-new-business budget, I'm going to get a bottle for the digestZen for sure!

  2. Ive been looking into doterra for a few weeks now. A friend has turned me on to it, telling me her success stories lol. Thanks for the giveaway, would love to try for myself.

    1. I hope you get a chance to! I've heard so many sucess stories since I posted this!

  3. I am very new to essential oils. A friend recommended peppermint oil as a way to help me focus on the task at hand and I loved the little 5 ml. sample she gave me. Would love to try out lemon and lavender!

    1. I was drinking water with a drop of peppermint and a drop of wild orange to help me focus all last week. It was really helpful!

  4. What you're saying is completely true. I know that everybody must say the same thing, but I just think that you put it in a way that everyone can understand. I'm sure you'll reach so many people with what you've got to say.
