Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Five 5/30/14

Every Friday, I'm sharing a roundup of my favorite links from the week. Want to see all my favorites? Follow me on twitter at @RHartleyRD where I'll be sharing more throughout the week.


Zuni-Style Tandoori Chicken with Masala Bread Salad (The Kitchn) --> One of the best meals I ever ate was the perfectly crispy roasted chicken with bread salad at Zuni Cafe in San Francisco. Love this Indian spiced take on it!
Cauliflower Rice Burrito Bowl (Joy the Baker) --> Is there anything cauliflower can't do?
Strawberry Jalapeno & Strawberry Basil Jam (Love & Olive Oil) --> I stumbled across this recipe while watching the episode of Friends when Joey keeps eating jars of Monia's jam by the spoonful. I think I could do the same with these flavors.
Mediterranean Millet Salad Wraps (Nutrition Stripped) --> Millet is one of my favorite grains and I love the combination of flavors and textures in this salad!
Frozen Lemon Kefir with Blackberry Coulis (Gourmande in the Kitchen) --> I want this every day.


5 A Day Still Might Not Be Enough (LA Times) --> So, we're not getting enough vegetables based on a standard that might not be high enough...
9 Everyday Superfoods (Oh My Veggies) --> Superfoods don't have to be exotic. In fact, many of them are in your kitchen right now.
The Truth About Fake Meat (Take Part) --> Turns out processed fake meats aren't exactly environmentally friendly either. Plus an interesting tangent on the history of meat analogs.
Antibiotics in Animals
How GMOs Are Making Our Gut Bacteria Unfriendly (Health Impact News) --> Interesting stuff. I try to avoid GMOs because of their environmental impact, but never would have thought it could impact gut health.
Vitamin E May Harm, Or Help Your Lungs (New York Times) --> I've long discouraged taking vitamin E supplements due to their link to lung cancer, but who knew vitamin E in certain foods, namely canola and corn oil, may affect lung health too?


Food Market Photo Series (Land Lopers) --> Y'all know I love my food markets. Drooling over those noodles.
10 Best Budget Destinations for 2014 (Budget Travel) --> Since we're on a budget right now and South Africa is on the list, which happens to top my list, we should probably plan a trip there because it will save money in the long run, right???
Steeped in Darjeeling (National Geographic Traveler) --> Tea tasting in India. Another one for the bucket list.
In Search of Wild Costa Rica (The New York Times) --> Older article, but we just got back from Osa, which was my favorite place we visited in Costa Rica.
All The Travel Advice You've Ever Received is Wrong, And Here's Why (Huffington Post) --> Literally the best travel advice I've ever read. Especially #1.

Random Links I Loved

Coming Back From A Setback (Zen Habits) --> Starting a new business is full of successes and setbacks. Read this on a day it was desperately needed.
The New York Post's Hilariously Grumpy Report of Kimye's Wedding (Buzzfeed) --> I got more than a few giggles out of this.
Exercise Snacks to Control Blood Sugar (The New York Times) --> Love this. Mostly because I have a difficult time motivating myself to exercise more than 10 minutes at a time.
How To Change Your Beliefs And Stick To Your Goals For Good (Medium) --> I frequently see clients struggle to reach their goals simply because they don't believe they are the type of person who can achieve it. The best way to change your self identity is to prove yourself wrong.
Why You Should Never, Ever Use Two Spaces After A Period (Slate) --> I learned about the whole one space thing (which apparently isn't a thing but rather the right thing) about 6 months ago. I now know what it felt like when people learned the earth is round.