Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday Favorites 6/20/14

Here's my roundup of favorite links from last week. For more, hang out with me on facebook and twitter!

Black Garlic Tofu (Feasting at Home) --> Have you seen black garlic at Trader Joe's? I almost bought it at least 4 times, but had no clue how to use it. Definitely getting it on my next TJ's run!
Greek Olive Pesto, Fried Zucchini, Marinated Feta and Garbanzo Bean Pitas (Half Baked Harvest) --> That is one intense name, but I love everything about it!
Cremini "Chicken" Nuggets (Stephanie Wilson RDN) --> Love this take on chicken nuggets from our recent Recipe Redux mushroom challenge!
Grilled Halloumi Skewers with Cilantro-Tahini Sauce (Naturally Ella) --> Halloumi, which I call squeaky cheese, is a semi-hard, brined cheese, popular in Greek cuisine. It's high melting point that makes it easy to fry or grill.
Crispy Avocado Tacos (Healthy Aperture) --> Best day ever. Kylie has done the work of recreating one of my favorite tacos, the fried avocado taco from Torchy's. 
Seven Reasons Keeping a Food Journal is Better Than Calorie Counting (Summer Tomato) --> I'm starting a weight loss program in Columbia called Weight Loss Without Calorie Counting (email me for details!) and this basically covers the first twenty minutes.
What's the Deal With Soy and Breast Cancer (Huffington Post) --> A question I'm asked pretty regularly.
What Does Mindfulness Meditation Do To Your Brain (Scientific American) --> Pretty fascinating. I think a lot of people are turned off by meditation because of the new-age connotations, hopefully this will encourage you to give it a try.
Meat Is Murder...But It's People Being Killed (And It's Not How You Think) (Take Part) --> Doctors are often blamed for the rise in antibiotic resistant bacteria by overprescribing antibiotics, and while that's a contributing factor, the real blame goes on the meat industry.
Dr. Oz Admits Weight Loss Products He Touts Don't Pass "Scientific Muster" (Huffington Post) --> This makes me so angry. Sure, in the world of nutrition and weight management, there are plenty of supplements or theories or foods that have just a small amount of research supporting claims of health benefits. But to call something a "miracle" is more than just "flowery" language, its unprofessional, dangerous and puts his medical degree to shame.


  1. Thanks for your interesting Friday Favorites! I was particularly interested in the food journal article. I am thinking of starting one to become more aware of my habits. I have tried to journal calories in the past and like the author found it boring and led to rebellion. I was surprised that the author didn't suggest recording hunger level before eating and fullness after. For me, I think that will be helpful in reconnecting eating to my body. I am afraid that the recording portion sizes would turn into a variation of calorie counting - and what does a "portion size" mean in relation to hunger and appetite? If I am hungry, perhaps a turkey sandwich, strawberries, an apple and three squares of chocolate is right. If I am not hungry, an apple, while a serving of fruit, is too much. And if I am eating for taste enjoyment, not hunger, then two strawberries is my maximum pleasure, it doesn't matter that the portion size is X grams.

    1. Hi Phoebes! I agree, more tips on how to start a food journal would have been helpful. I definitely would encourage you to include a hunger scale with a food journal, both for before you eat and after. Ranking on a scale of 1-10 works best for most. And you're right, writing down portions can turn into a variation of calorie counting for many people. I wouldn't place any judgement or try to relate your portions to hunger or appetite, just write down a close approximation of what you ate. Don't feel like you have to weight or measure your portions - something like "a handful" or "palm sized amount" would work perfectly fine! Include your emotions before eating in the journal as well. That should help you identify if you're eating out of boredom, anxiety, depression, or if you're eating for hunger or pleasure. Hope that helps! If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to comment or email!
