Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday Favorites 7/11/14

Here are my favorite links from last week (err, last two weeks. Sorry!). For more, hang out with me on facebook and twitter!

Adobo Grilled Sweet Corn (Naturally Ella) --> My husband, who drives by cornfields on his way to work, gives me regular updates on their progress. According to him, SC corn is now in season, meaning we'll be eating grilled corn for the next 2 months!
Nori Salad Dressing (Healthfully Ever After) --> We should all be eating more sea vegetables, but it's a difficult food to work into our diet regularly. I mean, one can only eat so much sushi...err, bad example. This dressing is such a simple way to work sea veggies into your daily diet. Try drizzling it on steamed vegetables, toss it with a cooked whole grain, or garnish roasted fish with it.

Pineapple Coconut Water (101 Cookbooks) --> In the summer, I love to drink freshly juiced melon or pineapple mixed with coconut water and seltzer. I adore the addition of anti-inflammatory ginger in this drink.

Spicy Mango Cucumber Salad Skewers (Gourmande in the Kitchen) --> Mango with chili and lime is a common snack in Southeast Asia. Sounds odd, but once you've tried it, you'll fall in love with the mixture of sweet, spicy and tart! This skewers are a perfect hydrating summer snack.
Raw Zucchini Noodles with Lemony Avocado Pesto (The Spicy RD) --> Zucchini noodles are everywhere! I think I pinned at least seven recipes in the last week alone. This version was my favorite because, well, avocado.

The New Condiments (Yahoo) --> Keep all these foods in your pantry as a nutrient dense add-in to smoothies, salads and other dishes.
How Much Sugar Is In That Drink (CNN) --> Shocking and appalling. It's one thing to say there's 65 grams of sugar in your coke, it's another to say you just ate five Swiss chocolate rolls worth of sugar.
Wore a Bikini and Nothing Happened (Huffington Post) --> I adore Jenny's sense of humor as much as her confidence! So many women (and men!) miss out on summer memories out of fear of being judged for the way they look in a bathing suit. The way I see it, the people who judge others as too fat in their bathing suit are the same people who judge others for being too skinny, wearing last seasons clothes, having unkempt hair, having too perfect hair, wearing too much makeup, not wearing enough makeup, looking slutty, looking too can't win! So might as well rock what you love and enjoy your day at the beach!
How Much Are You Willing To Pay For Your Health (Mark's Daily Apple) --> One of the biggest complaints I hear about eating healthy is the cost. It's true, a diet of pastured meats, quality oils and organic produce is more expensive than a diet of ramen noodles, but compared to the devastating costs of chronic disease, you'll save money in the long run. Plus, put aside the expensive specialty items (I'm looking at you goji berries and organic, fair trade raw chocolate bars), eat less animal food, and plan to cook most of your meals at home, and you'll find yourself saving money!
How to Change Others (Zen Habits ) --> Client's frequently ask how to change loved one's eating habits. This post answers that question. Spoiler alert - you can't. But, you can change yourself and your reaction.
Were Baby Chicks Killed To Make Your Mayo (Take Part) --> Well, this is horrifying.
World Best Picnic Spots (National Geographic) --> There's something special about a picnic. There's places look amazing (hey, I had a picnic at #1!), but even picnics in your hometown can be a fun dining experience. Columbia friends, bring a picnic friendly meal, like my eggplant, chickpea and wheat berry salad, to the Riverwalk, the Lace House gardens or Lake Murray.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing my Zucchini noodles Rachael-hope you like them as much as I do! Love all your other Friday Favorites too, including that Pineapple Coconut Water which I had already pinned, and those amazing picnic spots! Have a wonderful weekend :-)

    1. You are so welcome! Hope you had a fantastic weekend too!
