Thursday, June 5, 2014

Top 5 Foods To Fuel Your Workout {Giveaway}

Disclosure: I was provided with samples of ENERGYbits for this post. I was not compensated for my time. As always, thoughts and opinions are my own! For more details please see my policies

When I started my new business, I created a list of personal goals to along with a list of work-related goals. On that list are things I've been thinking about for ages, but never had the time for. Honestly, I have no clue what I was thinking. Since starting the new business I've been busier than ever between writing, classes, client work and trying not to get distracted by dirty dishes during work hours. Somehow though, with my renewed sense of energy and enthusiasm, I've actually made some significant progress.

But the one goal I've struggled with the most is to get on a consistent workout routine. For me, it's always been easier to eat healthy than exercise, probably because I enjoy cooking so much. I like to work out once I get started, but, as cliche as it sounds, it's hard for me to find the motivation and time to just get started.

So, rather than repeating the same steps over and over again (i.e. telling myself I'm going to workout in the morning, sleeping in, telling myself I'll workout after work, not doing it), I decided to approach it in a different way. After reading this article by James Clear about how to change your beliefs in order to stick to your goals for good, I've been trying to start thinking of myself as the type of person who wouldn't miss a workout.

On the days I work from home, I wear workout clothes instead of PJ's (one of the perks of people only seeing you from the neck up). I've been drinking water out of a polar bottle instead of a glass. And perhaps most importantly, I've been trying to eat like an athlete.

That said, eating like an athlete isn't that different than eating like a normal, healthy person. The biggest difference is a change in mindset, starting to think of food as your fuel. And of course, you want the premium stuff. Exercise uses many of the nutrients from food, plus additional minerals are lost in sweat, making it critical to chose foods that will give you a nutritional bang for your buck. Protein, unprocessed carbohydrate, potassium, iron and sodium are especially important nutrients.

My favorite foods for athletes are ones that do double duty, replacing more than one critical nutrient at a time. Here are my top 5 favorite foods for active men and women.


As one of the more sugar dense fruits, bananas are one of my favorite foods to fuel activity. Sugar is the bodies preferred source of fuel, which is why sports drinks, bars and gels are so heavily sweetened. While these foods may provide the fuel you need, they're not exactly good for you. Natural sugars on the other hand, like bananas, also contain fiber, which slows down sugar metabolism and provides a longer lasting source of fuel. Also, as most people know, bananas are a rich source of potassium, a mineral lost in sweat. Try them in my strawberry & banana green smoothie bowl or baked oatmeal with bananas and berries.


If you're exercising for more than 30 minutes, chances are you could benefit from replenishing energy stores during your workout, not just before and after. Unfortunately, most nutritious snack foods aren't exactly the most portable. Dates on the other hand, concentrated in natural sugars, potassium and iron, are simple to stuff into a mini zip-top back and bring with you on a run or to the gym. Try them stuffed with a little almond butter.


After a workout, your body needs carbohydrate to replace glycogen stores and protein to help build muscle. Quinoa, the wonder food that it is, contains both. It's also a rich source of copper, which helps generate energy from carbohydrate. Try it in my quinoa tahini bars or Inca porridge.

Eggs, Organic and Pastured

Protein is often over-emphasized and it's relatively easy to get enough on a vegetarian or vegan diet, even for active men and women. Although it's easier than the makers of that protein supplement would have you thinking, it still requires planning. Organic, pastured eggs, rich in fat soluble vitamins, choline, selenium and omega 3 fats, are an easy way to meet protein needs in a more environmentally and health friendly package than protein supplements. Try a hard boiled egg with whole grain crackers for a post workout snack.


Spirulina is a type of algae usually sold in a green powder that can be mixed into smoothies. It doesn't taste bad...but I wouldn't say it tastes great either. So why eat it? Spirulina is basically nature's multivitamin, but in whole food rather than supplement form. Spirulina is a rich source of nutrition, notably vitamin A, vitamin E and B vitamins. It's also a rich source of easily absorbed iron, making spirulina an especially great choice for active women, who run a higher risk of iron deficiency anemia. According to the ORAC scale, a scale that measures antioxidant content of foods, spirulina is one of the most antioxidant rich foods in the world. Spirulina also has the highest concentration of protein of any other food at 64%. This is why I use a scoop of my spirulina-rich green smoothie booster in almost every smoothie I make!

The problem with spirulina? As nutrient dense as it is, it's hard to consume in any substantial amount. A teaspoon or so in your smoothie is great and certainly gives it a nutrition boost, but if you have a love-hate relationship with green smoothies, then it's unlikely you're getting much overall benefit.

That's why I was so excited to hear from ENERGYbits, who have ingeniously created a 100% spirulina tablet that can be swallowed just like a pill. What I love is that it's not a pill, but a real food. However, by condensing it into tablet form, you're able to get more spirulina than you would ever be able to squeeze into a smoothie (err, a palatable one at least). They sent me samples, which I used before yoga class and also while climbing to the top of Cerro Chato in Costa Rica - a three hour uphill hike! I think the fact that I didn't die is good proof of EnergyBits effectiveness!

There are so many companies selling snake oil potions to athletes making all sorts of ridiculous claims. Nature gives us what we need, so I'm thrilled to see a company capitalizing on it by selling a real food in supplement form!

ENERGYbits has been kind enough to share samples with two of my lucky readers. Enter below for a chance to win! And be sure to leave a comment with your favorite foods to fuel your workouts!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love your tip about dates and stuffing them with almond butter. I am going to try that this weekend~

  2. My favorite workout fuel is bananas, for sure. With a little peanut butter couldn't hurt. :)

  3. Yup peanut butter and bananas!

  4. Lately I've been snacking on larabars in the late afternoon before hitting the gym, but if it's the morning I too love some banana and peanut butter!

  5. I love a little peanut butter and banana or some pb on a rice cake before a workout! Also a date with pb!

  6. I usually do homemade protein bars but I've heard so many people doing dates with nut butters, I definitely need to try that one asap!

  7. Before I workout I usually make a shake with creatine. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
    fairyfractal at gmail dot com

  8. I love to grab a banana or some dates or raisins for a quick energy boost!
