Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mason Jar Peach and Arugula Salad + A Giveaway!

Use up the last of your summer peaches in this convenient mason jar salad from "Mason Jar Salads and More," a fantastic cookbook provided by Ulysses Press for me to review!

mason jar peach and arugula salad

Like most happily married couples, the most common arguments my husband and I have are over pretty silly things. Netflix infidelity and whose turn it is the vacuum the dog hair are common themes. Most frequently we bicker about my pet peeve, his forgetting to pack part of his lunch. The idea of having random leftovers or him spending money on lunch because he brought his greens sans toppings drives me mildly insane. Salads are the worst. With so many separately packed components, it's a recipe for matrimonial disaster.

When I first learned of mason jar salads it was life changing information. Have you heard this genius trick? Basically, by layering dressing and sturdy vegetables on the bottom of a mason jar with the greens on top, you can pack a complete salad more than a day in advance without wilting. No more forgetting your salad dressing or carrying a lunch box with 12 different containers of toppings! 

sliced peaches for peach salad

When Ulysses Press asked me to review Julia Mirabella's Mason Jar Salad's and More, I was more than happy to accept. I expected to find some yummy salad recipes, but what I didn’t expect was to learn so much about the art of the mason jar salads. And yes, there is an art to it. Before reading this book, my knowledge of crafting a mason jar salad was truly at an elementary level. Since reading, I've picked all sorts of useful tips, like...

- how to make your salad last up to 5 days in the fridge (hint - it involves a salad spinner and a fully packed mason jar)
- how to create a parchment paper cup for your dressing if making a salad that doesn't have any sturdy vegetables
- how to MacGyver a nutribullet by blending your smoothie in the mason jar with an immersion blender
mason jar salads and more cookbook

The first salad I picked to make was a peach and sorrel salad, since our local South Carolina peaches are so incredible. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find sorrel, so I used arugula, whose peppery bite goes perfectly with the sweet peaches. If you can find sorrel, definitely try it! It's got a bright, lemony flavor that would go beautifully in this dish. I've prepared a few other salads from this book, all of which were winners - spinach, blueberry & blue cheese, kale & avocado salad, and the beautifully layered caprese, which looks just stunning in a mini-mason jar.

Now, here's the fun part - a giveaway! One lucky reader will win a free copy of this this book thanks to Ulysses Press. You can earn up to three entries the following way:

1. Leave a comment below answering the question "have you ever made a mason jar salad?"
2. Follow me on facebook and leave a separate comment stating "I follow you on facebook"
3. Follow me on twitter and leave a separate comment stating "I follow you on twitter"

The winner will be picked using a random number generator from the comments. If you win, I'll get in touch to get your address to send the cookbook. The give away will run for one week until 8 am Tuesday September 23rd. This is a book you'll definitely want in your collection, and probably the only one that can do double duty as a marriage counselor : )

Disclosure: I was provided with a free copy of Mason Jar Salads and More to review. I was not compensated to write this post. 

mason jar salad cookbook

Mason Jar Peach and Arugula Salad

Serves 4
Adapted from Mason Jar Salads and More

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon honey
2 peaches, sliced
8 cups arugula
1/2 cup pecans, toasted
2 ounces goat cheese, crumbled
4 1-quart mason jars
Parchment paper

Divide peaches between four mason jars. Top with arugula, then pecans and goat cheese.

Whisk together vinegar, olive oil and honey. Season with salt and pepper. Using parchment paper, make a little cup at the top of the mason jar, letting the sides overflow the lid. Pour the dressing into the parchment paper cup. Seal with a lid. Store in the refrigerator until ready to enjoy.


  1. I've made it once with lettuce, cranberries, goat cheese and some dressing. It turned out pretty well!

  2. And I followed you on twitter (ID: pbcheesecake).

  3. I haven't made any b/c my mason jars are too small!

  4. I have never made a mason jar salad! But I should! They are so fun :)

  5. I have never made a Mason jar salad, but I keep meaning too ... I think this cookbook would definitely help!

    But, first up ... your salad because it sounds amazing! I love peach and arugula together!

  6. I adore Mason Jar salads, and this one looks delicious. Just yesterday, I made a salad in a bowl (boring, I know) with diced tomatoes, peaches, and feta cheese. Yum. Would love to win a copy of this cookbook.

  7. LOVE mason jar salads. They're just so beautiful! I made one last month with roasted radishes, radish greens and israeli couscous.

  8. I have never made a mason jar salad but always wanted to try it! Would love the cookbook!

  9. I did a lot of salad-in-a-jar recipes back in my first year of med school when I didn't turn into a full-on HBLer (home-based-learner, aka never went to class unless it was mandatory). My neighbor bought me a really cool tupperware thing with a bunch of different sections that fit into it so I could keep all the fixings separate from the greens and the sauce, so that kinda stopped my jar recipes for a while. :O I'm game to go back to it though! They're awesome for food prep. :]

  10. I follow you on twitter! (@fairyburger)

  11. Don't you just love this cookbook? So many delicious ideas! Haha so who got to clean the vacuum the dog hair today?

    1. Me :( But only because Scott was stuck with it all last week when i was out of town!

  12. No, I have not yet made any mason jar salads, but I'd love to try them when I have a cookbook.

    1. Congratulations Cheryl! You won the cookbook. Please send me an email at AnAvocadoADayRD@gmail.com with your mailing address. Thanks!

  13. I've never made a mason jar salad before but I'm definitely interested in learning more about :)
